I am respectfully endorsing the candidacy of Rolando Tolentino for Chancellor of the University of the Philippines, Diliman.
Roland Tolentino embodies the kind of leader the university’s flagship campus needs. He is an outstanding scholar who studies relevant topics in literature, film and popular culture. His labors in explaining the politics of in/visibility in visual culture, the political economy of wishes and fantasies (in consuming, “malling,” viewing and eating, for examples) the historical development of literary and artistic styles and the ineradicable materialism of culture are invaluable in clarifying subjects in various disciplines. Dr. Tolentino supports the scholarship of the young by consistently inviting their contributions to publications and participation in numerous conferences, believing that such undertakings should cease in being venues of mutual admiration societies by engaging with fresh and thoughtful ideas. He devotes his scholarship to addressing pressing social problems, problems that themselves define the kind of writing he pens.
Prof. Tolentino’s positions of leadership in the Film Institute and College of Mass Communication, in Congress of Teachers and Educators for Nationalism and Democracy and Alliance of Concerned Teachers, and in many other institutional and social formations demonstrate good administration. He complies with rules of good governance by being transparent in his transactions, is firm when it comes to regulations and deadlines, always hears out opposing views, is vigilant in cases of rights violation, and upholds the rights and welfare of the majority. I firmly believe that the examples he set will be tested in the difficult post of Diliman Chancellor. Further, the university direly needs academic excellence in interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research, intensified development of sports and culture programs, linkages with institutions, financial support to students, and economic and other benefits to the university staff. Dr. Tolentino broadly covers these in his mission statement.
Rolando Tolentino is not only excellent but committed. The difficult duty of being honorable in excellence, he struggles to fulfill. We all need a Chancellor who upholds academic excellence and public service in their inseparable form.
JPaul S. Manzanilla
BA Comparative Literature, MA Art History; Instructor, UP Manila Department of Arts and Communication
(former Student Regent, University Student Council (Diliman) Chairperson, College of Arts and Letters Student Council Chair)
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